Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hello, my friends!

Hello my friends! On the 11th of August 2009 I decided to let in my friends and relations into my little world of "Reflections", which is nothing but a sounding-off of the mind characterised by a steadily reducing occupation. My idea was that, having been pitchforked head first into the blogosphere by a zealous daughter, I would use this predicament to set up a regular chat or adda network. After all there is so much pleasure in exchanging bullshit, especially for people of my age! For the benefit of the uninitiated, the procrastinators and the geriatrics, I repeat that "Reflections" is my blog accessed by visiting

Alas! Even after a month I have only two followers - admittedly two very good-looking young women! So what if one of them is my daughter and the other is a cousin! My son and daughter-in-law are busy traversing the world! And all the others, comprising my aged relatives and friends are doubtlessly finding it a challenge to grapple with the marvels of modern science which is involved in posting comments on the blog! Or is it that the mind is willing but the flesh is not, or vice versa???

I think I shall resign myself to the fact that Rupa and Sraboney will remain my faithful followers....and that the other relatives and all my friends, though they mean well I am sure, shall remain my ardent but silent backers. After all behind every great man there is a woman, or man, saying "I won't" !


  1. If you want followers you have to comment on other people's blogs...

    Sanjoyda, please change your font size!

  2. P.S. Please don't stop blogging - I like reading your posts...

  3. hey how grossly incorrect can you be? two followers? What about Taps who has been following around from your second blog! Shame!

  4. Ha ha, Chiku aunty. You gave him a well-deserved rap on knuckles. There's a fourth follower in my brother, but he seems to be here strictly for decorative purposes. Lol. By the way daddy, your blog has more followers than mine does!

  5. well dad, i managed to finally figure how to send comments on ur blog! Have to say that I defn read each n every blog of yours and enjoy it thoroughly! Am glad Rupa got you hooked on it :)!

  6. See, Sanjoyda...After complaining about not having readers, your followers have suddenly figured out how to comment...

  7. Yes , all the youngsters have figured out how to post comments. As to ny friends who are, like me,a bit long in the tooth, they are finding it quite a challenge!

    It feels great to read the comments!

  8. Hi Sanjoyda

    There's another good-looking woman who's been reading your blog and enjoying it too, so do keep writing!
