Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am back!

Yes indeed, I am back!

I admit that this has been a very long absence from my blog - over six months! I cannot think of any momentous reason for this hiatus. because there isn't any! Its just that I did not get down to putting my thoughts into words. Let me attribute it to my innate laziness.

The other day, my friend Ekta Singh rang up for a chat. I must say that she regularly does that, bless her!. While nattering over many things she happened to mention that she enormously enjoyed reading my blog (ahem!), especially the post on some hilarious moments from our years with Toshali Resorts International. It was most exciting to chew the cud and share a few laughs with Ekta over the memories. Also, I have to confess, I was secretly flattered when she praised my writing and narrative skills!

Anyway, this call from Ekta proved to be a much needed nudge to my mental ribs to shake me out of my state of stupor! The result? Well, here I am! I now hope that my "Reflections" will find more representations in the future!

I notice that my last piece was posted on the 22nd of September 2011. Since then, the political scenario has been replete with incidents, co-incidents and accidents that have been quite memorable. But all that is history and, undoubtedly, they have been discussed and debated threadbare in every forum. Therefore, I give to myself the privilege of opting out of commenting on them. A lot has happened in our personal lives since I penned that piece in lament over the loss of the irrplaceable Tiger Pataudi. Firstly, suddenly there was a deluge of classes to be taken in the Indian Retail School. That is the strange thing of being a member of a guest faculty. There could be periods when one is in limbo; and there could be times like Sept-Dec '11 when I had to take classes every other day. However, classes are always fun and I had an engrossing four months. Secondly, a decision to redevelop our house was finalised, no doubt precipitated by unforseen circumstances. This meant shifting out temporarily to another house, a transit home, as it were. Wow! Not having done this for 20 years -a period when all of us have grown 20 years older! - proved to be a back-breaking experience. Anyway, it had to be done and it was done. We moved out of C498 on the 13th of November. The house was handed over to the builders on the 31st of December. And on the 1st of January 2012, C498 went under the sledge hammer. Well, the work is going on steadily. The structure is up. All the details of the interior work now remain. This is the slow and tedious part.However, we hope that we shall be able to move back to C498 latest by mid-2013. Apart from this, the social world keeps on buzzing. Wheteher it is Durga Pujo or Diwali or the New Year, there is never any dearth of excuses to party! And so it was in the last quarter of 2011. Add to that the odd birthday or wedding anniversary and you get a calendar of continuous "hell-raising", if I may say so! In the midst of all this, Titir (Sohini) the beautiful daughter of my college pal Sudas Roy, got married in January this year. Sudas made sure that we spend the best part of ten days in Kolkata and participate in the non-stop activities that he had laid on for the occasion! From September '11 to March'12 we were also extremely privileged to have lots of friends and relations as house guests. To say the least, this not only ensured that we were totally absorbed in the welcome change from the routine of post-retirement life (Kumi also retired in Nov '11), but also it injected a great deal of excitement and fun into our days! It is a blessing to have such wonderful people around to seek and provide meaningful company. So, times have been hectic and busy. But now I hope to be more consistent in my interactions with "Reflections"! Till the next time then!